Latest Past Events

Take a Walk on the Wild Side – October 2019

Wild Bird Fund 565 Columbus Ave, New York

WBF Fall Migration Bird Walk Still haven't seen enough birds this season? Please join us and expert birders Carine Mitchell and Ricki Ravitts for a bird walk through Central Park as we see which migrants are stopping by on their way south. We will be scanning the Ramble for those hard-to-ID warblers, as well as...

$15 – $20

Take a Walk On the Wild Side (June 1)

Wild Bird Fund 565 Columbus Ave, New York

Time to see who's at the Reservoir and Pinetum! Join Carine Mitchell, WBF member, educator, and avid birder, for a walk in Central Park’s Ramble to see woodpeckers, flycatchers, thrushes, nesting vireos and robins, and late migrating warblers. Expect to see fledgling sparrows, blue jays, starlings, robins, and grackles being fed by their parents. We'll be...

$10 – $15

Take a Walk on the Wild Side (May 25)

Wild Bird Fund Center 565 Columbus Avenue, New York

Time to see who's at the Reservoir and Pinetum! Join Alan Messer, WBF member, artist, and birder, to check the Reservoir for passage and breeding waterbirds and swifts, then into the Pinetum for breeding songbirds and woodpeckers, and then the Ramble for late warblers and flycatchers. We'll be meeting at the Wild Bird Fund (address...

$10 – $15