Prevent Birds from Hitting Windows

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Bird-Savers: How can you help birds migrate safely?

Each spring and fall, millions of birds pass over New York City, and an estimated 100,000 to 230,000 are killed colliding with windows. For the precious few who survive and are rescued, the Wild Bird Fund is their emergency room. Each year, we take in about 1,200 window-strike victims, mostly migrating songbirds, such as warblers, vireos and sparrows.

This tragedy is preventable! The Wild Bird Fund is joining the efforts led by New York City Audubon to protect migrating birds. And you can help:

Take Action Today!

  • At night, especially during April and May, and between  September 1 and November 15: turn off unnecessary indoor and outdoor lights and close your shades;

  • Be aware of:

    • Nights when radar predicts heavy migration by checking the Local Bird Migration Alert page of BirdCast;

    • When stormy weather is coming;

    • On nights of heavy migration or stormy weather, be extra careful about turning off lights and ask friends, family and co-workers to do likewise;

  • Make glass visible to birds!

    • Treat clear or reflective glass windows and railings with stickers or other solutions using the 2” x 4” or, even better, the 2” x 2” rule (see the Glass Collisions page of the American Bird Conservancy) to warn birds to avoid daytime collisions;

    • Learn about other ways you can help prevent collisions at your home or work via this guide (pdf) from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service;

  • Keep an eye out for injured birds at the base of buildings:

    • If they are alive, bring them to the Wild Bird Fund or your nearest federally licensed wildlife rehabilitator (preferably in a paper bag);

    • Report injured or deceased birds on to make an important contribution to ongoing bird mortality research;

  • Educate yourself and others!

    • Learn more about NYC Audubon’s Project Safe Flight and consider becoming a Collision Monitor Volunteer;

  • Want to be more active?

    • If you live or work in a building near a large body of water, a park or some other greenspace (e.g., in NYC, near the Hudson, East River, harbor, Central Park, etc.), and want to play a more active role in helping migrating birds (or if you just want more information) contact Wild Bird Fund at [email protected]; AND,

    • Be an advocate for bird-friendly policies and regulations — follow Wild Bird Fund and NYC Audubon for updates on advocacy opportunities.

A golden-crowned kinglet, blackburnian warbler and Canada warbler received treatment at WBF after colliding with windows.