Birds, Brews, and Banter!
Kings County Brewery Collective 381 Troutman Street, BrooklynClick Here to Buy Tickets for $30! (price includes admission and 2 drinks)
Click Here to Buy Tickets for $30! (price includes admission and 2 drinks)
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, December 7th and 8th, 12 to 5 pm WHY: Your opportunity to see first-hand what WBF does. WBF is the only wildlife rehabilitation facility in NYC,...
"The secret to bird watching is being in tune with nature." ~Heather Wolf Please join us for a Members Only Author Talk & Book Signing with Heather Wolf Wednesday, November 13th at 7pm - WBF Clinic Reservations required - Members Only Event - RSVP: [email protected] 9227|http://www.wildbirdfund.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/heather-wolf.jpg|full Heather Wolf is a Brooklyn-based birder and author of Birding at the...